THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsThe Transfiguration of Our Lord6 August 2023 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends,
We are reminded once again of some fundamental doctrines of the True Faith. The Transfiguration on Mount Tabor clearly displays the Blessed Trinity and the dual natures of Jesus Christ. The simultaneous appearance of Moses and Elias demonstrates the agreement between the Old and New Testaments. The teachings of Jesus were not opposed to the Law and the Prophets of the Old Testament but were the actual fulfillment of the Old Law and Prophesy.
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are One. We know that in seeing Jesus, we see the Father and that the Holy Ghost dwells within Jesus at all times. It is only for our instruction that all Three manifest themselves separately. The Son was presented in His Glory in the Person of Jesus Christ. The Father announced Himself in the Voice that spoke from Heaven. The Holy Ghost presented Himself in the bright cloud that overshadowed them. The Three are distinctly presented; however, They are One. In all that Jesus said or did, we understand that the Father and the Holy Ghost more than consented or confirmed; they actually participated with Him in all things. To see the Son is to see the Father and the Holy Ghost; to hear the Son is to hear the Father and the Holy Ghost.
In the Person of Jesus Christ, we see Divinity and Humanity united. Jesus Christ is One Person with two Natures. He is God from all of eternity. He is equal to and One with the Father and the Holy Ghost. His Human Nature is not from all of eternity but came into existence in time when He was conceived within the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Ghost. In His Humanity, the Son is less than the Father, and He is equal to and One with the Father in His Divinity. He is truly God and truly Man. The two Natures of Jesus Christ are now forevermore inseparable. The Divinity is always present in the Humanity. This is why we worship the Body of Jesus Christ. This is why Mary is truly the Mother of God. She conceived the True Son of God within her body, carried Him for nine months, and gave birth to Him on Christmas Day. Jesus demonstrates this to us by showing His glory united with His humanity on Mount Tabor.
Jesus Christ came to establish a New Law, which was not in opposition to the Old Law. All that Jesus taught was previously taught, alluded to, or implied in the Old Law. Jesus tells us that He gives us a New Law to love one another. The Old Testament's Commandment to love is clear, but we find it perfected in the New. The love for God is the first and greatest commandment, and the second is to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. With Christ, everyone becomes our neighbor; the love for him extends not only to words and actions but even to our thoughts and desires. Jesus has pronounced condemnation upon us if we harbor hatred for our neighbor in our hearts. He tells us that we are already guilty of murder.
God looks into the heart and accepts the desire for the deed. From the depths of our hearts, we are to love one another. We must recognize that God loves them, and we should love them with Him, in Him, and for Him. St. Francis was filled with joy and ever-increasing love for God at the thought of all His creatures. He loved all that God had created because He loved God. He saw the reflection of God's various attributes in each of His creatures.
Moses and Elias have appeared, with Jesus, on Mount Tabor to give proof and testimony that Jesus is the very One that the Law and the Prophets foresaw and prepared the way for. Their presence told the Apostles and us that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law. That fulfillment is most beautifully and perfectly demonstrated in love. There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for the brethren. This is precisely what Jesus did for us. We are not to be scandalized by the death of Jesus, but instead, we are to be profoundly humbled and moved by the love that God has for us. The Transfiguration that we commemorate today was the necessary proof and testimony to aid the Apostles so that they may face the savage brutality God allowed us to wage against Him without losing faith or hope. May today's celebration of this event also strengthen our faith and hope, but most importantly, our love.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!
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